Excerpts from Giles Hayes’ January 13, 2002 Email
I did not use the word “minor.” Our attorney slipped it in so other attorneys would know that there was a legal distinction between pedaphilia and adult to adult abuse. I got very upset when I saw it used this morning, and told our spokesperson to get rid of it. Make no mistake about it, Patrick, what LT did to the first one to step up was heinous, evil, sick, and emerging from the psyche of a defective conscience. It was all the more abhorrent because it was done in the context of LT “ministering” to the young man, using his power to get favors. LT is also aware of that now, but I can’t speak for him. – Giles Hayes – January 13, 2012
Above and beyond the accusations you may bring (I think we have already unearthed many of them and are in the process of doing justice), I would see a meeting as an opportunity for me, as a church person, to recognize and apologize for the heinous crime of sexual misconduct, of the need for the Church to do prayer and penance for it, to name it, not to cover it up, and to end it. – Giles Hayes – January 13, 2012
We spoke to our kids yesterday, and last night I spoke with the monks. I asked the monks to read “Under the Green Wave.” I emphasized that if I was abused as a youngster I would be mad as hell also, like you. Again, number one concern is the well being of the victims, praying for and listening to the victims; then thorough, open, accountable and transparent investigation, which could possibly lead to jail for the perpetrator or at least permanent residence in a penal colony. Prayer and penance by us (we’re having Adoration this afternoon for the victims), and above all prevention and education. – Giles Hayes – January 13, 2012